OneTick is a Market Data Analytics platform that can be deployed or provided as a services. Databases can cover both real time, intra-day and historical access, and can be queried through Python, along with SQL and REST.
Python Directed Graph access is exposed through the small onetick.query_webapi library.
A Pandas style python api is also available, and is documemented at: onetick.py Documentation
The Python directed graph library syntax covers both:
Basic Data retrieval
Retrieval with Specified Symbology
Metadata Retrieval
Market Data Specific Features
Book Depth Specific Features
As Of (Prevailing)
Trading Hours & Holidays
This documentation provides a series of examples, based on Cloud Market Data access across Equities, Futures & Options. Although the syntax would equally apply to any deployed implementations.
You can register for a trial at: http://www.onetick.com/cloud-services
And view a series of prededind python examples at the Python Directed Graph Queries Examples service.